There's so much to see and do at the Royal Cornwall Show.
Find out what's on via the links below so you can plan your visit.
You might need to spend two or three days
to see and do it all though!

Key Info

The Royal Cornwall Show hosts one of the 10 heats for the National Blacksmiths’ Competition. The competition is open to professionals, non-professionals, students and supporters of the trade. 

This section is a great opportunity to see blacksmiths demonstrate their incredible skills with live forging happening throughout the day. The pieces that are produced during the live forging are judged to determine the winners of the section. 

Local blacksmiths are also on hand to answer any questions you may have about their craft. 

Entries for the Blacksmiths Section closes - 12th May 2025

Carol Masters, 01208 817015, or email
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